Enter the captivating universe of Affection Marksman, where you assume the role of the cheerful Cupid, combining creatures through your exceptional archery abilities! Solve enigmas and target arrows to establish connections between various characters, transporting them to a enchanting garden filled with love. From humans to orcs, observe how diverse creatures become affectionate couples and even initiate families. Are you prepared to be the little hero who triggers love to blossom?
Utilize your archer talents and enchanted love arrows to establish bonds between different creatures, generating one-of-a-kind couples. Solve puzzles by propelling arrows, sending the creatures into a garden overflowing with affection, where they discover happiness in each other's company. Your mission: unify hearts and craft love stories!
Controls: Swipe or use the left mouse button to aim and shoot.
Unleash the force of love in Affection Marksman and ensure that every arrow has an impact!